1. How to hold a bouquet
Hold it at your belly button.
Tilt it forward so we see the tops of the flowers rather than the stems.
Poke your elbows out a smidge for spectacular photos!
2. Hand Placement
Left hand over right anytime you are being photographed.
3. How to Hook Arms
If you hook arms, you want to ensure your hands are flat. We tend to ball up our fingers, which look like they have been chopped off in photos.
4. Keep Your Chin Up
5. Don’t Lock Your Knees
You will pass out!
6. Bouquet + Train Duty
The maid of honor should hold two bouquets, the bride’s and her own.
The second person in line will be responsible for train duty, ensuring it’s nice, flat, and pretty for photos.
Keep these assignments throughout the rest of the day to keep consistency.
7. Flower Girls + Ring Bearers
Decide if you would like them standing or sitting during the ceremony.
8. The Rings
Decide who will be holding the rings ahead of time. The Maid of Honor and Best Man, Best Man has both rings, or give them to the officiant beforehand.
We DO NOT recommend giving the rings to Ring Bearers under the age of 10.
9. Bridal Party Spacing
Using golf tees for outdoor ceremonies or a coin/marker for indoor ceremonies can be very helpful to guarantee even spacing for your bridal party.
We hope this gave you some helpful tips for your wedding ceremony. Check back in or subscribe for more ideas, information, tips, and tricks to help plan your next event!